Sunday 21 June 2015

Degree show week...

So we are now in to the degree show week, can't believe its been four years and now its jut about over, its a very daunting experience. People looking at your work and giving you feedback. Its great that people have the chance to look at the work and get the chance to ask questions about it. I have found it is very different to what i expected it to be like and sometimes feel i am putting people off when they are viewing the work because i am sat in my space awaiting any questions they may have.

Looking forward to the next few weeks of applying for some competitions, residencies and jobs. I will be starting on a website where i can upload all my work so people can find it all in the one place which will be very useful for myself and the viewers.

Overall art school has been a great experience and i have started to fins my artistic practice now that i have finalised my final year. It now time to take my experience in to the world of work and start to apply all that i have learned to the work i will continue to make over my time as an artist.

Thanks L.C.